

Hi. I'm Rebecca. I'm the mom to three young girls (Crazy1 - age 11, Crazy2 - age 9 and Crazy3 - age 4) and wife to the most amazing man in the world, Matt. I am a media and communications consultant and am so fortunate to get to work from home (for now). 

Oh, and I run. A lot. I'm that mom that shows up to sporting and school events in running clothes and a ponytail - I try to stand downwind. When I wear makeup, my kids look at me funny. I have shoes for the track, for intervals, for long runs, for the treadmill, for the trails. 

My story is pretty simple. I gained a LOT of weight during college and had just started losing weight (I was well over 200 pounds - I am 5'9") when I got pregnant with my first baby. I gained a respectable 31 pounds - but then being the first of my friends to have a baby and being pretty shut away, I ended up GAINING 45 pounds after she was born. Six months went by and I finally got into a good place to start losing weight. Me, a lot of hard work, and Weight Watchers. 10.5 months later and I had lost 76 pounds, and I kept it off. I got pregnant with my 2nd crazy 2 years later. Kind of funny that I had a 3 pound baby (she was 10.5 weeks early), yet I gained 71 pounds. No, really. But, I immediately joined Weight Watchers after she was born and 11 months later, I had lost 117 pounds. 

I learned to love to lift weights. It was a major part of my weight loss. What I hated cardio. Completely. I ran 3 times a week, 2-3 miles a time – and I wasn’t winning any speed awards for it. And I grumbled through it all. But I looked good and felt good so I kept on.

But then it turned January 2012. I was going to turn 35 that August and that freaked me out. So I decided to go big – I decided to sign up for a triathlon and a marathon. No big deal, right? Didn’t matter that I couldn’t swim more than 50 yards, didn’t own a bike and couldn’t run more than 3 miles. Have to start somewhere.

So, I joined a Master’s program with Team Z. I bought a way too expensive bike. And I just started to run, more and more.

That year, I did 2 sprint and 1 Olympic triathlons. And I did the Marine Corps Marathon in 3:57:30. And, I was hooked – on the running part at least. I REALLLLLY tried to stay hooked on the triathlon part. I wanted to. I love to swim and have done up to 7 mile swims. But I really hate the bike. I hate not being in full control.

I kept running. More and more. Just running. I got hit by a car running the day before Thanksgiving 2012. I qualified for Boston in May. I finally went to a doctor after that whole car thing after that May race and found out I had two fractured disks and 3 herniated disks – 5.5 months of intensive physical therapy (no running – OH HOLY HELL). But I came back. I DNF’d Boston in April due to a seizure. So kind of tough.

But, I’m back now. And, I’ve loosened up a bit. I got caught up in the “be the perfect runner” thing. I was getting close to running a 3:00 in Boston, but I was hating each run. I hadn’t taken any time off from training since I started to train in January 2012. I liked the idea of being “good” at running. But I never learned to enjoy it.

This is all about what I’ve learned, what I’m learning and my journey toward, or away, from crazy. My life has always been pretty freaking crazy.

I foster crazy.

Welcome to my life.

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